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Danielle Victoria Rodriguez. Born and raised in Downey, CA. Daughter to two amazing parents and sister to one hell of a "queen". Experiencing my Jordan year playing professional basketball in Iceland. 4 year starter as a PG and business major at the University of Utah (class of '16- GO UTES). In this current pursuit of determining what's the next chapter when playing basketball ends. Still creating myself day in and day out. 

I've been putting this blog idea off for a very long time probably do to my uncanny ability to procrastinate. Thanks to my sister Amber ( and girlfriend Lexi ( for having blogs of their own, which I highly recommend, I have finally found the motivation to really put it together. Dee's Dose of Life, really is just a dose of my life from lessons EARNED, basketball, traveling, my amateur photography skills (they really aren't that great) and so on. I have committed to be 100% true to myself and all of you about everything I write. Looking back on past experiences, current and future possibilities, everything is straight from what I believe, there is no holding back now.


Hope I can inspire you, motivate you, teach you, or simply leave you with a little something you wouldn’t have gotten had you not been on my page. You are always welcome to reach out to me with questions, suggestions, criticism or hey even just to say hi!

A Little Dose of ME

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