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Three powerful words to say everyday:

While I was instructing athletes at a basketball session this summer I had the opportunity to have a director leave me with a powerful reminder. Three important words we should never forget to say on the daily. These powerful words we tend to take for granted whether that be not saying them enough, or hearing them and letting them fly by us. Everyday we should remember to say the following powerful words:

  1. I love you.

  2. I am grateful for…

  3. I appreciate you.

I love you

Probably the most obvious one that we are constantly reminded to say every single day to our loved ones. Say "I love you" in the morning, say "I love you" after a goodbye, say "I love you" before going to bed. If you really love someone saying those three words over and over again should never get old and should never mean less the more you say it. Hearing "I love you" from my loved ones never gets old. As redundant and cliché as it sounds you never know what could happen, if that will be the last time you say it or the last time you hear it, don’t take it for granted. OVERUSE I LOVE YOU.

I am grateful for…

Gratitude became a life changing lesson for me this summer (I will save this for another blog coming soon). Every single day in my gratitude circle with a great mentor Micah Hayes (PGC Director and Assistant Coach at Emmanuel College) we start off by saying what we are grateful for. We name a couple of aspects in our life we are grateful for. The important part of this process is realizing that there is always something or someone to be grateful for, even in times of struggle. Everyday be outspoken of what you are grateful for, whether that is exchanging with others what you are grateful for that day, or writing down daily what you are grateful for. Get creative and you'll be real surprised at all the stuff you really are grateful for. LEARN TO BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING.

I appreciate you

Definitely one of the least obvious words we don’t use enough. If we were taught great manners growing up we tend to say thank you to others quite a bit. But how often do we thank these moments with "true "appreciation. If someone holds the door open for us extend the extra courtesy of "thank you, I appreciate that [you]." Or really going above and beyond just to let those around us know how much we appreciate them. When's the last time you told your parents you appreciate everything they have done for you, you appreciate the roof they put over your heads, the meals they put on the table, etc? When is the last time you told a friend you appreciate the listening ears they provided for you? "Thank you's" are the basic level of showing gratitude. To really go beyond the standard is to tell someone you appreciate them, for whatever it is they are doing. Be specific in your appreciation, be abundant in how often you use them. Start now, everyday tell someone, or hell even text someone and tell them you appreciate them for whatever it is they did, big or small. Whether it’s a simple act to be appreciative for or a lifelong act. DON'T JUST BE THANKFUL FOR IT, SHOW APPRECIATION.



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