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Grateful for the Sacrifices

Chasing dreams and goals in life comes with sacrifices. It's not easy. And I am completely grateful for it regardless.

Thanksgiving #6. 6 years of missing some of my favorite holidays with my family. Thanksgiving being one of my favorites when the entire family, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents come together. Thanksgiving isn’t the only holiday or special occasion I’ve missed. Its just the one I have missed six years in a row and maybe counting. I’ve missed birthdays(both family and friends), I’ve missed weekend family get togethers, graduations, baby showers, New Years, and the list goes on. The missed time never gets easier, but I know the sacrifices I have had to make to chase my dreams.

I’m grateful for the sacrifices my family and I have had to make in order for me to chase my dreams and grow. I chose to go out of state for college. During those four years I wasn’t home for longer than a month at a time. Most breaks would allow me to go home for maybe a week at a time. Maybe a weekend to catch my sisters wedding, but miss her dinner rehearsal. I have felt out of the loop being away from where I grew up, from the friends I thankfully still have and serious F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out). But like I said all was necessary for me to achieve my goals.

Now I’m on my second year playing basketball overseas, and no I still haven’t gotten used to missing out on these special days. I am however extremely grateful for having Lexi here with me to make the days easier and faster. And while we have each other, we know we are both missing out on important times with our family and childhood friends, but knew the sacrifices we were taking when we chose this lifestyle.

I am extremely grateful for my families patience in supporting what I do. I left home to get a free college education and play ball for four years. Now I’m on year 2 playing basketball for a living in another country and getting my coaching experience working with 4 girls basketball teams ranging from ages 6-15.

I am grateful that somehow Lexi got to be here playing basketball in the same country after a year of long distance and we’re chasing our dreams together.

I am grateful that I have my daily Facetimes and family group messages. And I am grateful for their love, sacrifices and support.

I am grateful that every time I go home and see my friends, its like I never left.

I am grateful that although I’ve made sacrifices, every single one of them as been completely worth it.

I am grateful for all my failures and success’ that have shaped my values and meaning in life.

I am grateful for basketball. It has been the gateway to so many beautiful things in my life. Whether that be people, places or opportunities.


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